I Love Blueberry Red Iced Tea with Smoked Meats

Tea :      Blueberry Red

Producer:  Vital T Leaf

Website: Blueberry Red

Website description: 

Chinese classic red tea blended with blueberry. Slightly sweet and tangy.  Ultimate snappy and citrusy flavor.

Brewing Specs

  • Water: 32 oz
  • Temperature: 80 F outside in direct sunlight (Sun Tea technique)
  • Steep Time: 4 hours for 3 gm

My Review System: https://artofthepair.com/tea-overview/

Iced Tea Technique

  1. All iced teas are brewed using direct sunlight for a minimum of 4 hours.
  2. Only 3 gm of tea is used per 32 oz / 1 Quart of water.
  3. Once tea is brewed, it’s strained and placed into refrigerator to cool to under 40F (typically overnight).
  4. Samples are evaluated without ice, fruit additions (such as lemon) or additional sweetener.
  5. Iced tea is consumed within 24 hours of brewing.

My Overall Impression (Score of 88.5%)

It’s that tie of year.  I’m processing.  The garden has been almost perfect this year and the production has been overwhelming the last few weeks.  I love that my islands are filled at any time with 100 cherry tomatoes either ripening or ready to eat along with 10-15 lb. of San Marzano tomatoes ready to process.  Did I mention the 6 basil plants or the multiple amounts of hot peppers starting a long fermentation for hot sauce?

While all of this is going on, after a day of work and then making dinner, processing goes late into the night.  As much as I like a glass of something with ethanol in it, I tend to shy away from that as I’m holding boiling hot jars.  What do I choose then?  Iced Tea.  I try to have some always in the fridge available.  Some are old favorites (like Sugar Magnolia), but I use this time to try new brews.  This week’s selection is Blueberry Red from Vital T Leaf that I picked up on a recent travel.

I LOVE THIS BREW!!  There is no other way to say it.  Its just what an iced tea should be.  Just great flavor with a depth that’s every changing.  No astringency and enough natural sugar to satisfy.  Plus this is a great tea to pair foods with.  With its notes of berries, ginger, herbs and even curry powder, the chef in me looks at multiple options (I limited myself to a few).

If you love Iced Tea, I would order some of this to have.  I can’t wait to brew some more, watch my enchilada sauce simmer down before canning and enjoy the fruits from the garden.

What do I think this Tea’s Personality is?

  • “Simply put, I want a Rack of Ribs with a fruit BBQ sauce and sip on this to clean the palate, be full and sleepy!”

The Price

The price on 8/22/24 is $15 for 4 oz (w) or 113 grams.

Broken down:

  • 100 gm / 3 gm for steeping = 37 brews
  • 37 brews from package = 40.5 cents per brew (32 oz) or app.10 cents/cup.

I can not stress how good a cup of Iced tea this produced for this low price. 


  • Opening the package, you are just assaulted with lovely notes of blueberries, red raspberries, blackberries and strawberries dusted with cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • This is followed by toasted malt with a hint of smoke and deep floral notes.
  • On the palate, its an amazing balance of grassy notes, raspberry leaves, blueberries and floral. This seems to swirl on the palate and be everchanging.
  • It’s a touch muted but as it warmed up, it developed more rich notes.


  • Off the first sip, it reminded me of an Assam with a deep blueberry essence that was accented by notes of a cinnamon stick.
  • As it warms in the glass, you are greeted with growing berry flavors (blueberries, blackberries and raspberries) presenting a lovely richness on the palate.
  • is finished with very faint notes of ginger, thyme and curry powder (yes, it’s there).
  • Exceptionally refreshing since its off dry with a balanced weight.
  • This Incredible ½ and ½ texture on the palate combined with the beautiful acidity levels (no astringency) gave it a wonderful depth.


  • Aromas (4.4/5)
  • Flavors (8.7/10)
  • Overall impression (4.6/5)
    • Total score = 88.5 percent (17.7/20)

Foods to Pair and Why

  • As summer winds down and we move into Fall, I will still grill different cuts of chicken and smoke Boston Butts. I know that creating or using some type of berry glaze would be fantastic addition for pairing.
  • This may sound different, but I’m one of those people that opens a package of berries and just starts eating them by the handfuls until I’m satisfied. In this case, I would love to splash some tangerine juice infused with a touch of fresh ginger (just a hint) over the berries to pair.
  • I love Shrimp either made into a stir fry or grilled. In either case, I love the options of infusing berries or ginger notes.  BTW, this shrimp cooked this style makes a great appetizer on a skewer.
  • I make 4 trips down to Shipshewana every year to pick up different meats and cheeses. However, I also load up on Deep Fried Hand Pies that are filled with different fruit fillings.  The blueberry filled pie would be unbelievable with this.
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